
Welcome to a new chapter of Inclusion! Our current focus has been founded on research, partnership building, and community engagement. 

Our commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of young individuals, like Marzzy, remains at the forefront of our mission. Partnership with local non-profits, leaders and organisations are welcomed. We cannot do it alone. Your contribution in any form will fuel initiatives that build a rainbow of hope for those who need us most. 

When you d o n a t e (or) p a r t n e r …

• Allows us to provide sponsorship for those who might otherwise not be able to afford essential resources such as: housing, food, healthcare, education and more. 

• YOU support current and future initiatives in order to make all spaces safe spaces for marginalised individuals🇧🇲


• YOU create a ripple effect✨

P r i d e  shouldn’t be a fleeting moment , it should be a feeling that lasts forever… 




The POWER of Inclusion is all in the name: the practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalised. 

Our aim is to INSPIRE + EMPOWER - not only those part of LGBT+ community, but ALL marginalised teens and young adults. 

At Inclusion, we wholeheartedly embrace the beauty of diversity in all its forms. We understand that each individual who joins us brings with them a unique blend of backgrounds, experiences, and identities.

We recognise and honor the significance of intersectionality – the interconnectedness of various aspects of one's identity, including but not limited to race, gender, sexuality, ability, and socioeconomic status. 

Our commitment to a holistic approach means that we not only value your support but also your identity and perspective. Your experiences shape the lens through which you view the world, and we believe that this diversity of perspectives enriches our collective journey towards inclusion.

Areas of focus

1. Education 🏫 : Provide equal access to education and resources regardless of background or intersectional identities. Ensure education is ethical, comprehensive and accessible to all humans.

2. Home 🏡 : Create safe, supportive and INCLUSIVE environments, with a core focus on mitigating homelessness amongst neglected teens and young adults. 

3. Mental Health + Wellbeing 🧠 : Fostering a community of wellness, backed by mental health professionals, healers and leaders.

4. Arts + Activism 🧩: Where Arts meets Activism to shape-shift our community into a position of liberated expression and empowerment.

Our Values


In a world that often dictates conformity, we're here to empower you to be authentically you. It's time to break through the barriers that have held you captive, embrace your individuality, and step into your light. This is a space where labels are shed, and societal programming no longer defines you. Discover the freedom of being your true self.

"The most talented , thought-provoking, game-changing people, are never normal"


Inspiring change makers to live life BOLDLY and with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, COMPASSION & KINDNESS.

“It costs nothing to be kind.”


Transform your life, by gaining a clear and compelling vision of your life. A Holistic approach to intersectionality and self-reflection, by understanding  what you need + want, as well as letting go of what isn't in alignment.  This area of focus aims to highlight labels + societal programming that confine and block us from our fullest potential.

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter - and those who matter don't mind."

Amidst the vibrant celebrations of Pride, the LGBTQ+ community gathers to commemorate progress and embrace diversity. Yet, as we pack away our rainbow flags, there lies a stark reality that often remains hidden behind the festivities—the struggles faced by marginalized individuals who continue to battle homelessness, exclusion, and discrimination.

From the tender age of 17, Marzzy found himself thrust into the throes of homelessness, a situation that he had never anticipated. Marzzy is now 20 years old, 3 years gone by, and life as continues as normal for everyone else.

Born into a family with ties to the Muslim faith, his journey to self-acceptance was not easy. The tension between his identity and familial expectations cast a shadow over his childhood years, leaving him to grapple with the delicate balance between being true to himself and upholding family values. Despite these experiences; Marzzy is and always has been unwavering in his self-expression and identity. As he ventured through school, the complexities of life intensified. Balancing academics and part-time jobs whilst navigating the tumultuous waters of bullying and self-discovery proved nearly impossible.

The rift between Marzzy and his family escalated to a point of no return. An attempted reunion with his mother was met with eviction, leaving him without a stable roof over his head. Homelessness, a harsh reality for someone barely into adulthood, became his unexpected fate. With no one to turn to- It is within the confines of a park that Marzzy now calls home, where he faces the stark challenges that accompany life on the streets.

The daily struggle for sustenance, shelter, and a sense of community became overwhelming. In conversation, he admits turning to alcohol and drugs as a source of fleeting comfort—a coping mechanism providing a brief escape from the harsh nature of his reality.

Transitional Community Services mentor: Gavin Smith stepped into Marzzy's life, offering guidance and practical assistance. With Gavin's support, Marzzy began navigating the practicalities of resumes and job applications, rekindling a sense of hope for a better future. It was this mentorship that allowed him to envision a life beyond the confines of homelessness.

Yet, even in Marzzy's attempt to overcome his circumstances, we see the limitations of social support systems in place. The resources available for marginalized individuals, particularly those facing homelessness, can be scarce and inadequately funded. Marzzy emphasised the importance of reforming and expanding these systems to ensure that they are genuinely inclusive and capable of providing the necessary support for those who need it most. This lack of support often leaves people like him in a continuous struggle for survival. When asked about his daily struggles he says: “I wonder where my next meals going to come from, where I'm going to sleep tonight... it is tough, but it just built a tough skin for me.”- “I try my best to be progressive, I try to get myself out of the park, go to my mentor, do job applications and resumes” Marrzy finds solace in listening to music and reading books. He aspires to find a job and return to school to gain the qualifications and experience he needs.

This story is a poignant reminder of the work that lies ahead. Marzzy's journey highlights the pressing need for initiatives fostering Inclusion. His challenges prove the need for societal systems, which are designed to uplift and support all individuals, regardless of their background, identity, or circumstances. Marzzy's message is simple yet profound; his pronouns are "Human," echoing the values of Inclusion—a commitment to providing equal access to opportunities and resources for all.

What does Inclusion mean to you? he replies: “Inclusion means to me; a community that gets together & works together, it doesn’t matter if you are white, black, gay, disabled or mentally challenged. We need everyone to come together & respect each other for who we are.”

What does exclusion mean to you? "Having excuses as to why you don’t want to help or why you're not trying to help or shouldn’t...”

Ultimately, Marzzy’s resilience and strength shine through. His story underscores the need for collective action and systemic change to create a world where no one is left behind, and all individuals can access the support and opportunities they deserve. It serves as a call to reimagine and reconstruct systems that are meant to support, ensuring that they can fulfil their intended purpose and make a positive impact in the lives of people like him.

Through the darkness of homelessness, he has found the courage to envision a future where he can combine his passions for “fashion, animal welfare, and gardening.” His message to the world, "Whatever struggle you're going through, just know you can be whatever the f**k you want to be," serves as an anthem for perseverance, hope, and the potential for transformation. 

However, despite his optimism to move beyond his current circumstances, he cannot do it alone. Marzzy needs our help. As he continues his journey towards a brighter future, his story becomes a rallying cry for a society that recognises the inherent worth and potential of every individual.

Inclusion extends invitation to the community and organizations alike to change the narrative of Marzzy's story and build a rainbow of hope that extends beyond Pride festivities. With a focus on true inclusion and honouring the intersectional identities of all people- Together, we can make a difference.

Marzzy S.
An article by Inclusion: honouring the stories of those who are often overlooked and unrecognised in society.

Creator's message:

Onuri Smith

Founder & Creator

Igniting Equality Through Inclusion

Hello, I'm Onuri Smith, the driving force behind Inclusion, fueled by a burning passion to uplift and empower teens and young adults facing adversity. In a world often divided by labels and categories, it's essential to remember that at our core, we are all human beings. My journey with Inclusion has been a testament to this truth, as I've come to deeply understand that our identities and intersectionalities don't define us; rather, it's our shared experiences and our potential for growth that truly matter. 

Inclusion isn't merely an organization; it's a movement that stands as a reminder that we are all connected by our shared humanity. It's a space where we honor the past by acknowledging our history, a space where we embrace the present by offering support and guidance, and a space where we pave the way for a brighter future through collaboration and empowerment.

From Reflection to Action

Born and raised in Bermuda, my personal experiences have been a catalyst for the creation of Inclusion. I often experienced bullying within school and the wider community. This phenomenon became an everyday reality for me. In these instances, it was clear that Bermuda had a long way to go to true inclusion. Overcoming my own challenges, including enduring physical and emotional abuse from a young age, has shaped my mission to turn pain into purpose. With a passion to dismantle systemic injustice, Inclusion seeks to ensure that in the process of gaining equality- no one is overlooked. Through the years, I've sought creative solutions to address everyday struggles faced by those who share similar stories, and this drive led to the birth of Inclusion.

A Global Pursuit of Excellence

My thirst for knowledge and commitment to personal development have propelled me around the world. I've had the privilege of studying in various corners of the globe, immersing myself in the realms of ARTS and ACTIVISM. Engaging actively, I've been part of esteemed organizations such as Rotary, participating in the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards in New York and joining The Future Leaders program, a transformative 3-week study centered on community and leadership. In 2019, I presented Inclusion's groundbreaking vision at the Center for Global Youth Social Entrepreneurship & Leadership in Atlanta, igniting conversations around youth empowerment and social change.

A Symphony of Passions: Dance, Theatre, and Beyond

After many failed attempts at football- I longed for something more. At 10 years, dance entered my life, leading to musical theatre. Since then, Theatre and Dance have become a space for me to express my voice and connect with my creative and artistic potential.  In my childhood years I became immersed in arts whilst living in Bermuda- because It was within these spaces that I felt I could truly be myself. For me, this is when my mind, body & spirit feel most connected. At 16 years old, I decided to pursue my love for Performing Arts in the UK. 2019, marks the year I graduated with a Distinction in Dance at Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts. Despite coming from a humble background, living abroad truly propelled my life in a positive direction. Allowing me to take part in various projects in arts & activism, films, musicals , plays and dance performances. I am currently in my 3rd year of university, honing my crafts in BA Hons Musical Theatre at Italia Conti in London. Nevertheless, I consider myself more than just a performer. My ultimate goal is to return to Bermuda in the future on a more regular basis by combining my love for dance, theater, coaching and storytelling to amplify marginalized voices. 

Building Bridges to a Better Tomorrow

My commitment to fostering inclusive environments extends to my recent certification as a Neurolinguistic Practitioner & Life Coach. Armed with these tools, I'm dedicated to dismantling barriers that prevent minority groups from accessing psychological support, education, and resources. Outside of university, I continue my research in various areas holistic therapeutic certifications and practices.

Partnering for Progress

I understand that no monumental change is accomplished in isolation. We are on a mission to collaborating with valuable partners like Solstice and other supporting organisations, marking the start of a new journey for marginalized individuals in Bermuda. This collaborative approach ensures that the rainbow of support we offer is comprehensive, embracing the multifaceted needs of those we serve. I extend warm invitation to partner for progress. Your skills, expertise, experience and wisdom could change the lives of many.

A holistic approach to everyday struggles

As the founder of Inclusion, I fell in love with the process of looking at life holistically—exploring the intricate threads of the past, weaving them with the present, and envisioning a future that celebrates our collective vision. This approach embodies the essence of Inclusion's mission: to create safe spaces where all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds, can find support, empowerment, and a sense of belonging.

Each person's story is rollercoaster of triumph and struggle, joy and pain. It's within this tapestry that we discover the lessons that shape our journey. In my life, I experience challenges as inspiration to spark conversations, empower others, and build bridges of understanding.

My story has allowed me to engage with diverse communities, absorbing wisdom from various sources, and recognizing the universal thread that ties us all together—the desire for unconditional love, freedom and acceptance.

Empowering the Next Generation

Inclusion's core lies in providing a safe space for youth aged 14 to 24 to shatter limiting beliefs and step into their fullest potential. Through a wide spectrum of current and future initiatives, we're breaking the cycle of exclusion and empowering our community to thrive.

Inclusion isn't just an organization; it's a movement, a promise of hope, and a bridge to a better future. Together, with unwavering determination and a shared commitment to change-turning PAIN into PURPOSE, and rewriting the narrative for teens and young adults in Bermuda. We hope to soon have the sufficient community support , resources and collaborative partners to kick-off more inspiring initiatives. I welcome you personally to join forces, if you feel the message Inclusion resonates with your spirit.

Better together.

Together, with the invaluable support of partners and donors who share this vision, we are creating a ripple effect of transformation. We're moving beyond surface-level engagements to forge deeper connections, challenge stereotypes, and work towards a society where everyone's potential can flourish!

For more information or queries please contact INCLUSIONBDA@GMAIL.COM


Our home.


Hamilton, Bermuda

